Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Green at Night

I guess I am getting used to working the night shift, but the hardest part has been figuring out when to eat. The routine I've fallen into is to have dinner shortly after midnight when I get in (ususally a stir-fry or curry on rice from the NBC commissary, which has been OK), and then have breakfast at around 6am, and lunch around noon. This way I am having normal meals at just about the normal time, except I'm having them in the wrong order.

It has been very slow at night. NBC has really cut back on the amount of production that occurs here, and is doing a lot more back in New York. In Athens, the two control rooms were busy almost 24 hours a day with several shows (Primetime, Late night, CNBC, MSNBC, Telemnudo, USA, etc...), but here all of the cable shows are being produced from New York.

This means that when I get in, there might still be a basketball game going on (and if it involves the USA, it is being shown back home), but other than that, the studios are "dark" until about 5am (well, Control B is usually recording some intro's for a Gymnastic's show on the Oxygen network, but that's it). Between 5am and 6am, the Control A crew shows up, and the venues start checking in with COMMs. Then things usually get a little busier. We have been lucky so far, in that there have not been any major COMMs problems.

Tonight, it was very quiet, so I slipped out onto the Olympic Green to take the night shots that appear in this blog post. The last one here is a short video showing a panorama of the area between the Bird's Nest and the Aquatic Cube.

It is beautiful and quiet on the Olympic Green at night. But even at 2:30am, it is still sticky hot and humid, and I was sweating by the time I headed back inside (to the freezing cold IBC, where I needed to put my hoodie back on).


Unknown said...

The Olympics have screwed our schedules up as well...we're all staying up waaaaay too late watching the games!

My son started back to school this past Tues. and hasn't wanted to miss ANY of Micheal Phelps races.His tail is draggin' a bit today!

Congratulations to the Canadian cyclist you met....way to go girl! I love to hear stories like that!

Ya know going from hot and humid outside to freezing cold inside might be messing with you sinuses and giving you a cold/virus. I hope you're feeling better!

Once again beautiful pictures!

Alicia =0)

Lynne said...

Even the lamp standards, I think in the parking lot, have interesting lighting effects? Is that what I saw Sean, in your video? Very cool!

I heard/saw somewhere that the Aquatic Cube can also project images. Is that true? Have you seen it?

Sean McKinnon said...

Alicia, The hot/cold cycle is definitely affecting my cold symptoms. I think am actually better when I am outside (despite the smog).

Lynne, Yup, the light standards are animated (rising light pulses, and glowing colors). Even the ground is animated with glowing and dancing light strips.

The Aquatic Cube does change colors, and I think I have seen them project onto it (from the inside) on TV, but I haven't seen it in person (not much is happening at 3am!).

Cheers - Sean

Unknown said...

Does the sky ever get blue there?

I think it rained yesterday(Weds)...did that clear it out at all?